My thriller poster, is a picture of a woman who is twice the size of the buildings, this gives her a suprior position making the audience seem inferior and she looks more powerful, terrifiing, aggressive and destructive.
At the top of the poster it is much darker and black and then near to front the houses have been made lighter indicating purity and innocence and unsuspecting, then it is dark and destructive from the direction in which the giant woman has come from, bringing the evil and destruction with her.
She is wearing dark clothing indacating evil and mystery, then the tital of the film is in one of the hot spots which attracts attention, it is also in red which sets a mood of horror and gore, her face and most of her body are in the hot spots to which drws attention to her. the houses also stand out more and attract attention because they are lighter against the dark background. The style of the writting also does not suggest happy or childlike it is more aggressive and intimadating in the shape and style.