All of this feedback from different audiences of different ages and different types of people has really helped me to see what people think of our film, the good comments and the bad. All the good comments have convinced me that all our hard work and creative energy has all come together to create something that we can all be proud of, and all the bad comments have showed us what we can work on next time and how we can better our sequence, it also pointed out things that we can learn from and then work on them next time.
This is some audience feedback from our peers and friends:
I loved the location it was perfect for the dramatic ending
I really like the twist and the end with the guy being the same person.
I am amazed at the creativity and the professional level that has been created out of this years thrillers, i especially loved this one this year.
Loved the twist at the end and the creative camera shots.
Was amazing, loved the after effects, kept me guessing the whole way through
I liked it, kept my attention for 2 whole minutes... that never happens...
great after effects in the end bit with having the actor twice.
I like the split screen special effect it is very cool, however the fake blood does look a little fake. I do really like this video though.. epic music! well done :)
I really like this!I love the split screening... very effective.Music is very suitable :)WELL DONE.
Oh my god that was amazing i wonder who could have created such an awesome movie five stars!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Task 7
We have all learnt so much from when we first began with our preliminary task. In the beginning when filiming our preliminary everything was very simple and we were given a storyboard and an idea and all we had to do was follow it and film a few simple shots. Our actual thriller was a lot more complicated and it showed me how much we have learnt when I looked back at our preliminary task. We had to think about so much more ourselfs and it was a lot more difficult creating our own story board from nothing. We had to think about each different shot and each camera angle and why it was there and what it portrayed, whereas before we would have just picked up the camera knowing very little about it and filmed our simple sequence. We also paid a lot more attention to continuity as we were using the same actor to play both parts, and this made our filming a lot more complicated. We also learnt to use a lot more complicated shots and things such as focus pulls and pans. All of these made our thriller a lot better than our simple preliminary task. We also began to pay more attention to what was in our frame, and which way our actor was looking and where they were standing in the shots, and this was completly different to our preliminary task where we filmed the shots we were given, so for our actual thriller we had a lot more creative freedom. We have now been studying Media for almost a year and so our knowledge on good camera angles and effective shots has developed greatly and I think that your are able to see this very clearly and notice the dramatic devlopment between our preliminary task and our thriller.
Our use and knowledge on how to use sound has developed a lot. In our perliminary task we didn’t have any music and we didnt need any Foley work and this made our editing process a lot easier as we just had simple dialogue which was easy to edit. So when we had to use Soundtrack Pro for our thriller it was a very different experience editing it. We used some origional sound from the shoot day and then we created some music using Soundtrack Pro so that our film had some non-diagetic sound.
I have also begun to notice a lot more and pay attention to shots and camera angles when i watch a film and I think that this is reflected in our thriller as we have all become a lot more experienced in many different ways since our preliminary task. Our knowledge and creativity has impoved massivly, this can all be noticed throughout our thriller. Our technical ablity has also impoved we are now all very capable of using Final Cut pro, Soundtrack pro and other editing programs which when we began with our preliminary task we were all very unsure of. We also learnt that if you want to make it in the movie making business you have to be extreamly organised and have great time management and this is one thing that we have learnt after our preliminary task, when we began our prelim we were all unorganised and unprepared and this effected our work so by the time that our thriller came around we were all prepeared and have done so much better and created something we can all be proud of.
Task 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The main audience for my media product would mostly be people from the ages of 14-25 as people of this age are more interested in the genre of horror which is what our film is.
A movies biggest selling point is its genre and its main actor in the film and our movie has both of the two which attract large audiences. It also will attract both a large amount of male and female viewers as young male audiences would be interested in the violence, action and suspense throughout the film, and young female audiences would be interested in our main character Dan, as he is an attractive young boy and our target audience would be able to relate very well to him as he is relatively the same age as them.

Task 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
To fund the film i would use Artisan Entertainment as i have seen many small budget films that have acheved great success through this company, they have produced fims such as Dirty Dancing which acheved huge success in the late 80S and Napoleon Dynamite which cost less than $400,000 to make but its gross revenue was almost $50 million. Napoleon Dynamite also has the same target audience as me as my film would appeal to an audience of about 15 to 25 years old because they are both young and entertaining as the target audience may be able to relate some of the things that happen in the film. Artisan Entertainment was a private independent American movie studio until it was brought by a Canadian studio, Lionsgate, in 2003.
In 1999's Artisan Emtertainment made The Blair Witch Project. It had a budget of $22,000 but grossed over $248 million worldwide. It had the highest ratio of box office sales to production cost in American film making history. It is also in a way very similar to victors idea as it is about a horror that was fillmed in the woods,so i think that they would promote it in the right away as they did lots of advertising on the internet and the internet is most used by this films target audiencs, 15 to 25,and it would become successfull with a big profit to be made out of a small budget!
Another film company I would use would be Fox searchlight, they are a company that originated from Fox but they take on the more riskier films that do not necessarily have such a big chance of success. Some of the films that they have made that have achieved huge success are Slumdog Millionaire, with a budget of $10 million and grossing over $360 million worldwide. Juno had a budget of $6.5 million and it gained $230 million worldwide it also won an Oscar for best origional screenplay. Garden State had a budget of $2,500,00 and it got a gross revenue of $35,825,316 it also earned a Grammy for its outstanding soundtrack. Thirteen which became a very popular film’s budget was $2 million and it got a gross revenue of $10.1 million. This shows us that Fox Searchlight would be perfect to use as our film that is for a niche audience.Audiences would be able to relate to the film much like they have to the others. We also belive that as Fox Searchlight it a well respected company due to these other films, it would gain the right publicity and as it has Fox as a backing it may be able to invest more into the film if nessicary.
To fund the film i would use Artisan Entertainment as i have seen many small budget films that have acheved great success through this company, they have produced fims such as Dirty Dancing which acheved huge success in the late 80S and Napoleon Dynamite which cost less than $400,000 to make but its gross revenue was almost $50 million. Napoleon Dynamite also has the same target audience as me as my film would appeal to an audience of about 15 to 25 years old because they are both young and entertaining as the target audience may be able to relate some of the things that happen in the film. Artisan Entertainment was a private independent American movie studio until it was brought by a Canadian studio, Lionsgate, in 2003.
In 1999's Artisan Emtertainment made The Blair Witch Project. It had a budget of $22,000 but grossed over $248 million worldwide. It had the highest ratio of box office sales to production cost in American film making history. It is also in a way very similar to victors idea as it is about a horror that was fillmed in the woods,so i think that they would promote it in the right away as they did lots of advertising on the internet and the internet is most used by this films target audiencs, 15 to 25,and it would become successfull with a big profit to be made out of a small budget!
Another film company I would use would be Fox searchlight, they are a company that originated from Fox but they take on the more riskier films that do not necessarily have such a big chance of success. Some of the films that they have made that have achieved huge success are Slumdog Millionaire, with a budget of $10 million and grossing over $360 million worldwide. Juno had a budget of $6.5 million and it gained $230 million worldwide it also won an Oscar for best origional screenplay. Garden State had a budget of $2,500,00 and it got a gross revenue of $35,825,316 it also earned a Grammy for its outstanding soundtrack. Thirteen which became a very popular film’s budget was $2 million and it got a gross revenue of $10.1 million. This shows us that Fox Searchlight would be perfect to use as our film that is for a niche audience.Audiences would be able to relate to the film much like they have to the others. We also belive that as Fox Searchlight it a well respected company due to these other films, it would gain the right publicity and as it has Fox as a backing it may be able to invest more into the film if nessicary.
Task 2
Our thriller relates to a particular social group, young teenage boys wearing hoodies. It represents them in a negative way and it show the very stereotypical aspect of what people expect from a young boy wearing a hoodie and carrying a knife as this all relates to the many knife crimes caused by teenage boys that happen nowadays as bad Dan is in a hoodie which hides his identity and creates a suspicious atmosphere about him and he has a knife. This relates to all the hoodie knife crimes that are being caused by teenage boys.
Bad Dan is also chasing Good Dan who is another teenage boy, this can also represent teenage bulliying or tormenting another peer, again, representing the social group of teenagers in a negative way.
Task 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or change forms and conversations of real media products?
Our opening sequence has very conventional title sequence in some ways yet ours is different to many other films as we decided not to have our titles throughout our sequence. We have the film company title as are opening to the sequence, then we have the directors name, then are sequence then it builds up tension all leading up to the name of the film. We chose to do this so as not to detract from our sequence, as it is quite an intense sequence with a lot going on we did not want to have titles throughout to take away from our film. Our titles our different yet conventional as they have the usual order of titles except we have created a buildup to the name of our film using music and the sequence to create tension.
Our opening sequence has very conventional title sequence in some ways yet ours is different to many other films as we decided not to have our titles throughout our sequence. We have the film company title as are opening to the sequence, then we have the directors name, then are sequence then it builds up tension all leading up to the name of the film. We chose to do this so as not to detract from our sequence, as it is quite an intense sequence with a lot going on we did not want to have titles throughout to take away from our film. Our titles our different yet conventional as they have the usual order of titles except we have created a buildup to the name of our film using music and the sequence to create tension.
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