Wednesday, 27 January 2010


When making our storyboard it helped me realise how much effort really goes into making a film we had to work out every single angle of the camera, how many shots and you also have to think about why you would put it there, what it means, making a character look stronger or weaker can all be manipulated by camera angles. We had to break down each bit of our short sequence into a camera movement. It also helped me think about are entire sequence and it helped me to understand it more and see it from all angles and to decide which angle and shot would be better. The storyboard really did help us on our shoot day, although we did not stick completely to our original shots on the storyboards it did help us immensely as it organized our shots and helped us choose which shots to film when and where it also helped us organize the filming in each location.
Above is a drawn sotryboard .

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