Assessable link to pop videos:
Our pop has been through a huge editing process. Something that started out very simply became quite complicated. We began editing using Final Cut Pro by putting the whole song filmed in a wide shot down and then we began to add different shots in throughout working around our original wide angle that ran the whole way through. We edited the fast bits of the song by cutting each quick shot to the beat in order to create movement and excitement throughout these bits of the song. These bits worked really well and had a great visual effect but the begging did not work so well, we changed the wide angle shot to mid shots of her with pans, but we then came to realise that it was not necessary for her to be lip singing in the begging and as we had so many beautiful slow motion shots from different angles in different styles we decided to use the slow motion shots throughout all the slow bits as this gave the video another layer and more meaning. It allows the audience into the lead singers world a lot more as they feel that because she is not singing the song seems like a thought process of hers and they feel as they are almost in her head and they are being let into her world and her thoughts.
We were quite careful with continuity and discontinuity in our video. At times we wanted discontinuity as it subverted the expectations of a normal video and it also added to the pace and uniqueness of the song and the singer. Our video also does not have a narrative so it was not to vital to have perfect continuity throughout. But we were very careful with some visual elements of continuity as we wanted to make sure that things like her hair were the same from shot to shot as we were constantly cutting shots and it would look like a mistake at times if we were not careful.
We used Adobe After affects in order to give our video a diffused glow around the edges of our shots and we wanted to create a sense of mystery and a dreamlike subconscious quality to our video.
Our pop has been through a huge editing process. Something that started out very simply became quite complicated. We began editing using Final Cut Pro by putting the whole song filmed in a wide shot down and then we began to add different shots in throughout working around our original wide angle that ran the whole way through. We edited the fast bits of the song by cutting each quick shot to the beat in order to create movement and excitement throughout these bits of the song. These bits worked really well and had a great visual effect but the begging did not work so well, we changed the wide angle shot to mid shots of her with pans, but we then came to realise that it was not necessary for her to be lip singing in the begging and as we had so many beautiful slow motion shots from different angles in different styles we decided to use the slow motion shots throughout all the slow bits as this gave the video another layer and more meaning. It allows the audience into the lead singers world a lot more as they feel that because she is not singing the song seems like a thought process of hers and they feel as they are almost in her head and they are being let into her world and her thoughts.
We were quite careful with continuity and discontinuity in our video. At times we wanted discontinuity as it subverted the expectations of a normal video and it also added to the pace and uniqueness of the song and the singer. Our video also does not have a narrative so it was not to vital to have perfect continuity throughout. But we were very careful with some visual elements of continuity as we wanted to make sure that things like her hair were the same from shot to shot as we were constantly cutting shots and it would look like a mistake at times if we were not careful.
We used Adobe After affects in order to give our video a diffused glow around the edges of our shots and we wanted to create a sense of mystery and a dreamlike subconscious quality to our video.
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